A Call to Keyboards

Come gather and let me tell you a tale. A tale of corruption and incompetance, greed and petty fiefdoms. However I do not need to tell the tale for we have all lived it, we have seen the workings of govenments and businesses when they get too large. However do not blame the people, for they are only humans doing what humans do. Instead blame the organisation, for we have not changed how we organise ourselves on a grand scale. It is all departments, budgets, committees and voting. Whether for board members or for our ruling classes, is voting for them the best way of getting them to do what we want? It is venerable, granted, but can we do better?

If we rail against the injustices and inefficiencies they ask us "If not this system, what else?" and we are left dumbstruck, for we do not know. We do not know for we have not tried! Any utopian scheme that we think up in our floating castles of theory might be dashed against the hard stone of reality. So what can we do? We must try and keep on trying until we find something that works, something that is better.

It is my belief that we can do better than methods invented over two centuries ago and that we should make a concerted effort to try. And so it is I call upon you all to think, talk and research about ways of organising ourselves. There will be some thinkers out there already with ideas, seek them out (one such idea is Robin Hanson's Futarchy). I have my own ideas, which I shall share with you in time. But more important than those ideas, is the idea that their might be some better way and that we should put some effort into discovering it.

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